Facebook Message Recovery Tool For Mac

SynciOS Data Recovery for Mac is a set of powerful iOS recovery software that can help Mac users retrieve lost, deleted, formatted and damaged camera roll photos and videos, contacts, reminders, calendars, bookmarks, notes, call history, voicemail, voice memos and many more data files from your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. To prevent email from being clogged by Facebook messages, we would recommend to filter Facebook messages and create a separate folder for them. Recover files and other system components automatically To recover your files and other system components, you can use free guides by ugetfix.com experts. There are different ways to recover deleted messages for Facebook. The very first step is to connect your phone to the computer system. After that go to the Internal Storage or the SD card. Then in the android data check “com.facebook.orca”. Then recover your deleted Facebook messages from messenger from the computer. A copy of your deleted Facebook messages might still be available on the physical memory of your phone or computer. And using third party recovery tools can help recover these messages. If you use Firefox, the FB Chat History Manager might have stored your deleted messages.

It is not uncommon for Facebook users to delete their messages by mistake. If you happen to delete your important messages on Facebook, Instagram, Kik, Snapchat or other social media apps, you will want to know how to recover deleted Facebook messages. In this article, we will be showing you how to find deleted messages on Facebook. If you do use Facebook Messenger on your iPhone or Android device, read on to learn how to recover deleted messages on Facebook Messenger.

Can We Recover DeletedMessages from Facebook Messenger?

After you delete yourFacebook messages on Messenger, you won’t have the ability to see them. Thiscan make you doubt whether it is actually possible to recover the deletedmessages. The good news, however, is that the answer to the question “can yourecover deleted Facebook messages?” is a yes.

There are varioussolutions you can use after losing your Facebook messages by mistake. We willbe outlining these solutions in the next section. By the time you reach the endof this article, you should know how to recover deleted messages on FacebookMessenger.

How to Recover Facebook Messages from iPhone?

1. How to Find Deleted Messages on Facebook by Finding theArchived Messages

If you have archivedsome messages on your iPhone Facebook Messenger and you would like to viewthese messages again, you can access the messages very easily. All you willneed to do is follow the steps we have outlined below:

Step 1: Launch Messenger onyour iPhone.

Step 2: At the top of thescreen, locate the search bar and tap on it. Enter the name of the person whosearchived messages you would like to view.

Step 3: From the searchresults, locate the name of the person whose archived messages you intend toview and tap on his or her icon. This will give you access to the archivedFacebook messages.

Note: The steps outlinedabove can help you view archived messages on an Android device. All you willneed to do is launch the Facebook Messenger application on your Androidsmartphone.

2. How to Recover Deleted Messages on Messenger Via FacebookMessenger Contacts

If you recently deleteda couple of messages by mistake on your Facebook Messenger, you can always getthese messages back by contacting the people who had sent them. All you willhave to do is message the Facebook contacts and ask them to resend the deletedmessages. To send your Facebook Messenger contacts a message, follow the stepsbelow:

Step 1: Open FacebookMessenger on your iPhone.

Step 2: If you are not alreadylogged in, use your credentials to log in.

Step 3: Tap the New Messageicon on the top-right corner of the screen.

Step 4: Select the name of thefriend to whom you intend to send a message.

Step 5: Type your message andthen tap the send button.

Note: There is no guaranteethat your friend will resend the message. This method can also work on anAndroid device.

How to Recover DeletedMessenger Messages from Android Phones?

Apart from the methodswe have already explained above and mentioned that they have the ability towork on Android phones, you can try using the following method to recover yourdeleted Facebook Messages on your Android Phone:

Using File Explorer

It is possible to use afile explorer to find the cache of deleted Facebook messages. This method hasalready proven to be useful for a large number of Android device users. Tolearn how to recover deleted Facebook messages using a file explorer, followthe steps we have outlined below:

Step 1: Launch Google PlayStore on your Android device. Search “ES File Explorer”. Install the tool onyour device.

Facebook Message Recovery Tool For Mac Windows 7

Step 2: After installing ESFile Explorer, launch it.

Step 3: Navigate to your SDcard or main storage. Locate Android > Data.

Step 4: Open the Data folder.You should find a folder named “com.facebook.orca”. Any information related toFacebook and the Messenger is stored in this folder.

Step 5: Select “Cache”. Youshould see a file named “file_temp”. This is where Facebook backups live. Youshould have the ability to recover your deleted messages from this folder.

How to Recover Deleted Facebook Messages on Your Computer?

If you are askingyourself the question, “can you recover deleted Facebook messages via acomputer?”, you will be happy to know that this is doable. In fact, there aresome message recovery actions you can perform using a computer which you cannotperform using your smartphone. Below, we will show you how to find deletedmessages on Facebook via your computer web browser.

1. How to Unarchive Archived Messages

If at some point youhave archived some of your Facebook messages, either on your smartphone or onyour computer web browser via Facebook.com, you may need the messages in thefuture. Unarchiving messages on Facebook via a computer is extremely easy. Allyou will need to do is follow the steps we have outlined below:


Step 1: Visit Facebook.com onyour computer web browser. Use your credentials to log in.

Step 2: On the menu bar, tapthe Messenger icon and then select More. Next, click the Archived button.

Step 3: Look for theconversation you would like to recover.

Step 4: After locating andselecting the conversation you would like to recover, tap Action close to thescreen top and then select Unarchive. Your conversation will be restoredimmediately. You can check your inbox to verify that the conversation has beenrestored.

2. How to Recover Deleted Messages by Downloading a Copy ofYour Facebook Data

An easier way that canlet you access your messages is downloading all the Facebook data you havegenerated on your Facebook account. To learn how to find deleted messages onFacebook by downloading all your Facebook data, follow the steps outlinedbelow:

Step 1: Visit facebook.com ona computer web browser. Enter your Email ID or phone number and then click LogIn.

Step 2: Go to the Settings andthen select General Account Settings.

Step 3: Locate the “Download acopy of your Facebook data” link and tap on it.

Step 4: After tapping thelink, you will be redirected to a page that has a “Start My Archive” button.Click this button.

Step 5: Follow the onscreeninstructions. Enter your password if prompted by Facebook. A download linkshould be sent to the email address you used while creating your Facebookaccount.

Step 6: Open your emailaccount and then click the Facebook data download link. Download your Facebookdata. The data will be downloaded in the form of a Zip file.

Step 7: Unzip the Zip file andthen open the “index” file. This file should open in the web browser. Tap onMessages. All your messages should be loaded, including the messages you haddeleted in the past.

3. Use a Third-Party Facebook Message Recovery Tool

There are someapplications available online which claim that they have the ability to recoverFacebook messages. One search tool is known as Facebook Messages RecoveryTool 1.5. The free tool claims that it can make Facebook message recoveryextremely easy. After downloading and installing the tool on your computer, youwill need to follow the steps outlined below to recover your Facebook messages:

Step 1: Double click on thetool’s icon to launch it.

Step 2: Using yourcredentials, log into your Facebook account.

Step 3: Select the timeframewhen you deleted your messages and then tap Generate. The tool will beginrecovering your lost messages. The recovered messages will be stored on yourcomputer.

Note: There is no guaranteethat the tool described above will be able to recover your lost Facebookmessages. It is worth noting that some tools which claim to have the ability torecover deleted data may be developed by people who have different motives. Thetool owners could be looking for an easy way to access your private data.Hence, it is essential that you be careful when using third-party tools.

4. Retrieve Deleted Facebook Messages by Writing Code

Some people claim thatit is possible to recover deleted Facebook messages using some sort of code.However, unless you are an experienced coder with access to access toFacebook’s front-end programming system, you won’t have the ability to insertyour code into the Facebook system. This means that, unless you work forFacebook, inserting code into the Facebook system is next to impossible.


If you have lost yourimportant Facebook messages, you will probably want an answer to the question,“can you recover deleted Facebook messages?”. As explained earlier on, theanswer to this question is yes. In this article, we have shown you how torecover deleted Facebook messages. If you try the solutions outlined above, youshould find one that works for you. If none of the solutions work for you, youcan always try to reach out to Facebook to see if they can help you get yourlost messages back.

Posted by Kate , Mar 14, 2017

Facebook Message Recovery Tool 1.5

How to undelete Facebook messages on facebook messenger form iPhone? I mean, I wanna recover my Facebook messages that have been deleted in recent. I lost some Facebook messages, which really disturbs me. I really want them back. Please help me. Thanks a lot! --Alice

RecoveryTool iPhone Data Recovery enables you to recover deleted Facebook messages from iPhone. As long as the data you lost have not been overwritten, you can easily retrieve them back through iPhone Data Recovery. Now follow the next steps to recover your lost Facebook messages.
Note: Only the Mac version is able to restore Facebook messages.

Part 1: Recover on Facebook Setting

Login into your Facebook account, go to setting page. When you see the General Account Setting, click 'Download a copy' under 'Download a copy of your Facebook data'. Tap on 'Download a copy', a new page will open that says 'Download Your Information' and offers you the option to click a green button that says 'Download Archive'.
Enter your Facebook password to continue the download. Wait for the download to complete and unzip the archive pack on your computer. Open the data folder and open index.html inside it. See the Messages on the left, here is all the messages that stored on the Facebook.

Part 2: Solution on How to Restore Deleted Facebook Messages via Software

Step1. Download & Install iPhone Data Recovery (Mac)

Facebook message recovery tool for mac osx

Download and install iPhone Data Recovery (Mac) on your computer and launch it.

Connect your iOS device with your Mac

Run iPhone Data Recovery and choose 'Recover iOS Data' in 'Recover'. Then you will see a window as follows:

Choose the recovery mode of 'Recovery from iOS Device'. Move to next step.

Scan deleted Facebook messages on iPhone

Click 'Start'button in the window to scan deleted Facebook messages on iPhone. If you use iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, click 'Advance Mode' to have a deeper scan for deleted Facebook messages. The scanning process may take you a few minutes.

Preview & Retrieve deleted Facebook messages

From the left column of this window, you can see Facebook messages. Swipe the top button to the left to only display those deleted items. Choose ones you want and click 'Recover' to get back your data.

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