Reneka Compact 2 series espresso machines with their outstanding technology and retro design. The Compact 2 range might be small by size but big on the performance. Reneka, in keeping with a subsegment of the market has extended its range to include a minimalistic style compact machine and exceptional performance.
- Reneka Viva
- Reneka Viva S 2 Manual 2016
- Reneka Viva S 2 Manual 2017
- Reneka Viva S 2 Manual Transmission
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Small in size – Big in performance! Because the performance of a machine is not related to its size, discover all the Reneka technologies in a compact design.
For perfect coffee extraction and easy insertion of the filter holder into the brew head every time. The system locks the groups to reduce pressure on the seals resulting in lower maintenance costs. Patented by Reneka and standard for the Compact range. Imagine a world where you don’t have to do any tamping! Just fill up the group handle with freshly ground coffee and let the AROMA PERFECT technology take over, no need to tamp, just simply insert the group handle and press the button to extract the perfect espresso – every time!
4 programmable doses for coffee and water extraction.
Reneka Viva
LATTE ART (optional)
Latte Art technology with auto milk frothing for perfect creamy textured milk. Make the “perfect” coffee and milk every time at the touch of a button. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! With minimum training necessary. Deliver a consistent coffee every time. Easy operation with two programmable buttons.
Reneka Compact 2 series espresso machines with their outstanding technology and retro design. The Compact 2 range might be small by size but big on the performance. Reneka, in keeping with a subsegment of the market has extended its range to include a minimalistic style compact machine and exceptional performance.
Small in size – Big in performance! Because the performance of a machine is not related to its size, discover all the Reneka technologies in a compact design.
Reneka Viva S 2 Manual 2016
For perfect coffee extraction and easy insertion of the filter holder into the brew head every time. The system locks the groups to reduce pressure on the seals resulting in lower maintenance costs. Patented by Reneka and standard for the Compact range. Imagine a world where you don’t have to do any tamping! Just fill up the group handle with freshly ground coffee and let the AROMA PERFECT technology take over, no need to tamp, just simply insert the group handle and press the button to extract the perfect espresso – every time!
Reneka Viva S 2 Manual 2017
4 programmable doses for coffee and water extraction.
LATTE ART (optional)
Reneka Viva S 2 Manual Transmission
Latte Art technology with auto milk frothing for perfect creamy textured milk. Make the “perfect” coffee and milk every time at the touch of a button. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! With minimum training necessary. Deliver a consistent coffee every time. Easy operation with two programmable buttons.